Sunday, June 17, 2007

Youth ,for most of us is a celebration of life , a spring time where life is at its best of colours.A passage of time which the traveller of life cherishes and remembers throughout his journey.But as it usually happens,if there is light on one side of earth there ought to be darkness on the other.For some unprivileged mortals like me youth has never been so benevolent.The time when the world around me was floating in heavens i was busy dragging myself on the ground..The race of life is always cherishing for those flying souls .When i look back, i still am confused to what went wrong so rapidly that still the shattered pieces of my life are in a disarray.
The horizons of dreams,the birds of hope are all so fragile against the forces of nature.Destiny suddenly tooks a face of a raging tempest and uprooted all of my strengths,shook all of my beliefs & robed me of all my pleasures.And still the darkness prevails clouting the shadows of my existence. I am trying to find some light though i know as always light will blind my eyes.The utter darkness that surrounds oneself ,brings with itself a hope ,a hope of a flame burning in distance,light that will scatter the dark clouds and illuminate our souls,just like a mirage that quenches a thirst of a wanderer in scorching desert.

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